
Research into the relationships between powerful people, corporations, and institutions – aka power research – is essential if we want to know who we’re really up against in our fights for justice. This form of research helps us demystify the corporate playbook, find strategic targets and points of leverage, identify...


One of the first things you’ll want to figure out when beginning to research a company is if the company is publicly or privately owned. Most of the time, a private company is owned by its founders, management, or a group of private investors. A publicly traded company is a...


In this age of widespread surveillance, it’s important to keep your research safe and secure from the prying eyes of governments and corporations. While most digital security tools are available for free, they do require a change in your digital habits. Good security will require a trade-off: the techniques that...


Below are a few definitions to help make this toolkit as clear as possible: Oligarchy: a small network of people who exert power over society through their wealth and their ownership of and influence over basic institutions, such as: the media, school system, culture, and law. Power: the ability an...
